Wellington Case Report.

 18TH April, 2023


Medical Summary:

O.O, 75yrs/male,


It was a pleasure to review above named in our neurosurgical clinic on 06/04/2023.

He was accompanied by his wife and care assistant, on a wheel chair and said to have been unable to ragain few neurological status, since the undergoing a brain operation October 2022, to remove a brain tumour.

Key finding on neurological examination were profound dysphoria and loss of personality, and obvious inability to ambulate out of the wheel chair.

Review of current Brain – scan ( contrasted MRI) confirmed a residual frontal parasagital Meningioma, which appears smaller in comparison.




Pre- op scan dated 28/07/2022

There is also emerging post- op communicating hydrocephalus which may contribute his current neurological status

While a shunt is recommenced on a reasonable way forward encourage free drainage of CSF , are do craniotomy for excision of the residual tumour to a major decision of MDT setting , considering his age and current neurological status.


Please contact again for any further clarification.



Sincerely yours,


Dr. Halima Ibrahim

For  Team Wellington Clinics Abuja

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10 May, 2023
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