Wellington Case Report: Stealth guided resection of intrinsic right posterior frontal tumor







Diagnosis:   Right sided posterior frontal SOL/ High grade glioma r/o High grade meningioma


Operation- Stealth guided resection of intrinsic right posterior frontal tumor

Date of Admission- 15/02/2023

Date of Operation- 21/02/2023

Reason for delay (need to stay off clopidrogel for at least five days)


Background Information- A 74yr old woman who presented today on account of 3months history of recurrent seizures. Eight days history of slurring of speech. She was in her usual state of health until three months ago when she suddenly had seizures which was characterized by abnormal jerking and gnashing of teeth, However, no loss of consciousness, no foaming in the mouth, no incontinence, nor involvement of the limb. About eight days ago, her quality of speech changed (deteriorated) to a slurred state. There is also associated left upper limb weakness. No visual impairment, anosmia, memory charges, no history of trauma, swelling in any part of the body. A known hypertensive on medications. Not a known diabetic. No previous history surgery.

On examination:- an elderly woman, not pale, anicteric , afebrile, acyanosed.

Neurological Examination GCS =15/15

                                              Pupils=3mm, reactive

                                             Ambulates with supports

Left upper limb: hypertonia, power= 4/6 and hypereflexia

Right upper limb = NAD

Right lower limb = NAD

Patchy areas of patchy hyperesthesia


On account of above presentation, and on clinical suspicion of space occupying lesion in the brain,  Gadolinium enhanced Brain MRI (below) already done before presentation was reviewed  and it showed a dura based in-homogenous contrast enhancing mass situated on the right posterior frontal lobe, with significant peri-lesional edema.



A diagnosis of intrinsic brain tumor was made with a strong differential diagnosis of durally based high grade Meningioma was made. This diagnosis was explained to the basic understanding of the patient as well as the treatment options especially the need t proceed with image guided surgical excision of the tumor. This will not unly provide tissue diagnosis but also achieve cytoreduction and set the stage for necessary oncology referrals and adjuvant treatments.

And following informed consent, she was prepared and underwent  surgery as outlined above.




·         Counsel patient on findings.

·         Admit in work up for tumor excision.

·         I.V Dexamethasone 4mg 12hrly

·         I.V Omeprazole 40mg daily

·         Metastatic work up, Chest CT, Abdominal pelvic CT.

·         FBC, EUCR, ECG, Clotting profile, Serology, Clotting profile, Group and Cross match two units of blood


Update (16/02/2023)

Review of CT abdomen shows a   ?pelvic mass with both solid and cystic components

Liver, Spleen and Kidneys appear normal.

INR, Platelets – normal but Clopidogrel only stopped this morning.


Plan: Delay surgery for five days

         Perform abdominal examination.



Scheduled for craniotomy/excision of a brain tumor.

Pre-op workup shows suspicious pelvic mass on CT Abdomen/Pelvic/Chest

This is important in view of possible metastatic lesion, kidneys, lungs, liver due however clear.

Meanwhile, D/C Clopidogrel until after surgery.

Abdominopelvic USS was also conducted  Further reviews, there was no convincing evidence of any primary mass lesions in the chest abdomen and pelvis from both CT and US scans.

Update (21/02/2023)

Scheduled and had successfully  stealth guided craniotomy for excision of brain mass done.

Plan: prepare theater.

Update (22/02/2023)

First day post stealth guided craniotomy for excision of right intrinsic frontal of intrinsic brain tumor.

She has being sedated and ventilated all through the night.

Current neurology she is fully awake, endotracheal tube has been removed. Moving all limbs but much weaker on the left side

HR- 80BPM, BP- 140/70mmHg, RR- 18cpm, SP02- 98%

She is sedated this morning after giving 200mg of hydrocortisone.

Wound drain insitu drain 150mls serosanginous fluid.

Plan: continue NG tube feeding

         Early physiotherapy.

         Continue other post op management.

          Expecting the histology report for further management.


Update 23/02/2023 ( 48hrs post op)

Post op CT scan done , showed minimal hematoma at the tumour bed , which was debulked significantly with restitution of previously compressed brain tissue and restoration of midline structures. See image below.


Other Post op investigations FBC: PCV; 44.62, WBC;10.15 PLT; 162
E/U/CR: NA;140.8 K;3.99 UR;20.37 CR; 0.57, were essentially normal

Update 25-02.2023 – five days post op-

She was completely off all ICU support, alert and neurologically stable and was stepped down to the HDU and subsequently to the ward.

Histology report shows a biphasic tumour composed of glial component and transforming vascular component into sarcoma consistent with gliosarcoma.


Basic Histology slides above show evidence of gliosarcoma and IHC was recommended,  result of which is detailed in the slides and  report below attached.


 MDT meeting recommened referral for adjuvant treatment including chemo radiation in line with stupp regimen as soon as wound is completely healed . Patient is to be discharged to outpatient follow-up as soon as post op recovery is completed.  Clopidogrel  recommenced in the absence of minimal hematoma on the tumour bed.

Update- 27/02/2023

Stable, sitting out of bed and tolerating oral feeds. Awaiting labs and preps for discharge. She complained of constipations and currently waiting neuro- oncology review. FBC done was essentially normal. EUCR showed hypernatremia.

O/E: General condition satisfactory

Vital signs: BP- 160/90mmHg, PR- 74bpm,


·         Reduce salt intake

·         Tabs PCM 1g tds x5/7

·         Syrup lactulose 10ml tds

·         Tabs valsatan 80mg daily

·         For oncology review

·         For physiotherapy


Update 02/03/2023 (ONCOLOGIST REVIEW)

Patient is conscious, alert, and oriented, GCS (E=4, M=6, V=5), wound is clean, dry and well apposed.

Plan: discharge patient home

·         To start Radiotherapy in NHA  6 weeks post-surgery

·         To have an MRI done prior to Radiotherapy

·         Continue physiotherapy

·         Continue tabs dexamethasone 2mg bd

·         Continue tabs carbamazepine 200mg bd

·         Continue on antihypertensives




Discharge Instructions:

·         To start Radiotherapy in NHA  6 weeks post-surgery

·         To have an MRI done prior to Radiotherapy

·         To remove staples after one week

Discharge Medications:

·         Tabs Omeprazole 20mg bd

·         Tabs Dexamethasone 2mg tds

·         Tabs Carbamazepine 200mg bd

·         Tabs Amlodipine 10mg dly

·         Tabs Clopidogrel 75mg dly

·         Tabs Valsartan 80mg dly


Next appointment is in 2 weeks following discharge (18th of March 2023) but can present earlier if need be.


Kindly revert for further clarifications if need be.


Sincerely yours,


Dr. Halima Ibrahim

For Team Wellington Clinics




19 May, 2023
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