Wellington Case Report.


                                                                                                                   19th April, 2023







A 60 year old man who was referred by Rev Fr James Ekpai and presented today with complaints of recurrent lower back and recurrent chest pain of 1year duration.

He describes his back pains as insidious in onset, shocking and electrifying, sharp, radiates to the buttocks and both lower LL (severe on the left),  relieved by most likely opoids, worsened by prolonged sitting, severe enough to interfere with sleep, severity of pain is 10/10. No hx of trauma, no family hx of BPH or Prostate cancer.

Chest pain is left sided, insidious in onset, sharp in nature, non radiating, relieved by pain killers, worsened by prolonged sitting, severe enough to interfere with activities. No hx of cough, dyspnea, fever, blurring of vision, abdominal pain or other GI symptoms, no hx of urinary symptoms.

He is a known hypertensive. However, patient does not agree to be diabetic, despite previous confirmed clinical investigations. Also, he was diagnosed with Sciatica and Lumbar spondylosis 2 years ago.

PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: An elderly man walking with a stick, afebrile (36.5C), not pale, aniceteric, not dehydrated, acyanosed, no pedal edema.

Weight- 119kg, BMI-34kg/m2

NEURO EXAM: Confirms limitation of straight leg raising on the left lower limb. Tone and power are normal globally. Fine touch sensations are impaired in both foot. 

CVS: BP- 138/90mmHg, HS- 1&2 +murmur


1.      Lumbosacral MRI and CXR

2.      FLP, ECG, EUCR, HbA1c, RBG, FBC.

3.      Counsel patient on his condition

4.      Lifestyle modification, weight reduction, and diet.

5.      Tabs cerebrex 200mg b.d x 2/52

6.      Tabs Omeprazole 20mg dly x 2/52

7.      Tabs pregabalin 75mg b.d x 2/52

8.      See in 3 months time (20/07/2023)


Review of MRI Lumbosacral spine confirms an advanced disc degenerative disease at the L4/L5 level with an associated disc herniation especially postero-laterally and bilaterally causing compression/entrapment of exiting/transversing nerve roots. There is also slight indentation of the cauda eqina at that particular level.

It is believed with a high degree of certainty that there is clinical radiological concordance.





RBS- 6.21mmol/L

HbA1c- 6.7%

Lipid profile- Cholesterol- 180.4, TG- 28.70, HDL- 26.58, LDL- 148.08

EUCr- Na-139.5, K-3.77, Cl- 110.5, Urea-27.74, Creatinine- 0.69

FBC- WBC- 4.34, HCT-49.24%, PLT-256



We recommend that the patient will benefit from an epidural injection which is a cocktail of 80mg triamcinolone + 2.5mls of 0.25% marcaine. The aim is to tide him over the period that he is trying to achieve the recommended weight reduction for pain management.

Kindly revert for further clarifications if need be.


UPDATE (21/04/2023)

Epidural injection of cocktail of 80mg triamcinolone + 2.5mls of 0.25% marcaine was administered to this patient in the operating room. Both written and oral consent was taken from the patient before the epidural injection was given. Post operative condition was satisfactory.





Above are images from the C-arm machine that injection was given into the epidural space.


Yours sincerely,

Dr. Modupeoluwa Olakunle Motajo

For Team Wellington Clinics

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10 May, 2023
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