Wellington Case Report.










Background Information:

The above-named patient was referred to this facility with a 3- week history of sudden headache with immediate closure of her right eyelids. Headache is described as the worst imaginable headache of her life with associated vomiting. No dizziness, seizures or loss of consciousness.  She is a known hypertensive of 28 years who is non compliant with medication.

On examination, satisfactory general physical condition, right nerve III palsy (right eye ball deviated out and downwards, right pupil dilated, eyelid closed. CT Angiography confirmed a Right Posterior Communicating Artery aneurysm (PCOM)

Above diagnosis was explained to the patient and referring physician especially the need to proceed with the prescribed microsurgical clipping of the aneurysm after due consent and in clear consideration of the benefits and potential complications.

Pre-operative Planning:

 Pre- op Investigations and Management

·         FBC – WBC- 6.1, PCV- 33%, PLT- 184.

·         E/U/Cr – Na-135, K- 3.3, Ur-3.4, Cr- 43.

·         Clotting Profile – APPT- 38.1, PT-12.2, and INR-0.9.

·         Serology – Non reactive for HIV1&2, VDRL, HCV and HbsAg.

·         Chest X-ray  - Normal x-ray findings

·         Brain MRI

·         CT Brain + Angiogram Review

·         ECG – Normal findings.

·         Group and cross match 3 pints of blood.

·         DVT Prophylaxis – TED stockings applied.

·         Informed consent taken.


Pre-Operative Imaging

CT Brain


CT Angiogram and MRA


Operative Intervention- PCOM aneurysm clipping.

Intra-Operative Findings

·         Circular aneurysm situated about 1cm distal to the intradural segment of the right ICA closely related to the PCOM aneurysm. Anterior choroidal artery as well as terminal division of the internal cerebral artery (A1 and M1) was dissected and visualized and normal.

·         Some arteriosclerotic plaques located on the wall of the ICA and neck of circular aneurysm.

Operative Procedure -

·         Under GA + ETT

·         Routine cleaning and draping

·         Supine position, head located to the left side and fixed on Mayfield pins.

·         Craniotomy via the right pterional cutaneous flap.

·         Bone flap removed and drilling of sphenoid ridge down to the sphenoid process.

·         Durotomy performed in a curvilinear fashion with dura exposed.

·         Subarachnoid commenced from the lumen insulla from the region of the anterior sylvian point.

·         Subarachnoid dissection continued internally.

·         Carotid system identified and opened distally up to the termination of the ICA.

·         Above findings noted.

·         Dissection around the neck of the aneurysm performed to create a passage around the neck.

·         PLS NOTE: RUPTURED ANEURYSM AT DOME was encountered, however with hypotensive anesthesia and gentle packing with surgicell, a straight 10mm aneurysm clip was applied successfully across the neck of the aneurysm.

·         Haemostasis secured and wound closed in layers.


Post op Managements.

·         Elective sedation and mechanical ventilation with IV Midazolam and IV Fentanyl for 48hrs.

·         IV Fluid 0.9% N/S 1L 8hrly for 48hrs

·         IV Rocephine 1g 12hrly

·         IV Omeprazole 40mg daily

·         IV Phenytoin 300mg at night, to be given in 200mls of N/S for 1/52

·         IV Tramal 50mg twice daily

·         Tab Nifedipine 30mg daily

·         TabCodiovan 160.12.5mg daily

·         Tab Labetalol 200mg twice daily

·         Close neurocritical care monitoring

Post-Operative events

On day one post operatively, she had one episode of seizure which was stabilized and was kept sedated with IV Midazolam and IV Fentanyl, the subdural drain was removed, she was gradually weaned off ventilator support by entrailing oxygen via her ETT. 24 hours after, sedation was reduced. She was noticed to have right peri-orbital swelling which necessitated an urgent CT Brain scan. CT Brain showed the usual post op changes, small subdural hematoma and cerebral oedema around the adjacent frontal and temporal lobes. This was managed with  adequate ventilatory support for optimal blood gases,  IV Mannitol and IV diuretic (frusemide). Her blood pressure has been poorly controlled for which a cardiologist was invited and antihypertensives increased. Second day post op, she was noted to have electrolyte derangement (K-2.7mmol/l) and was corrected using IV KCL infusion and subsequently potassium tablets.

48hrs Post Op CT scan



Vital signs today (15/01/2022)

·         HR- 68bpm

·         SPO2 – 98% on entrailed oxygen at 4l/min

·         RR- 16cpm

·         BP- 184/97mmHg

Further management plans- she will remain on neurocritical support, monitoring and care of all emerging issues until he becomes very stable to sustain independence in the normal functioning of her systems.

16/01/23- Endotracheal tube was successfully removed and satisfactory respiratory drive. Main challenge of poor BP control is being addressed by the cardiologist.


She has sustained clinical improvement. She is fully conscious with a GCS of 15/15. (E-4, V-5, M-6) and has commenced oral sips. Blood pressure is now within normal limit. She is currently on face mask oxygen and currently being weaned off oxygen. She has also commenced gentle physiotherapy. She is still currently nursed in the intensive care unit to ensure optimal monitoring and recovery.

Vital Signs: 19/01/2023

PR: 86 bpm

BP: 144/85mmhg

RR: 23 cpm

Vital signs today (24/01/2023)

PR: 78b/m

BP: 160/100mmhg

RR: 32c/m

SPO2: 97% on room air

She has been weaned of oxygen completely. Has a GCS of 14/15 (E-4, M-6, and V-4).  Currently have frequent episodes of confusion. Blood pressure control has been mildly optimal. Hyponatremia was noticed on last kidney function test done, she is currently on dietary salt supplementation, also being managed for urinary tract infection. She is still nursed in the ICU to ensure proper monitoring and management.

Vital signs: (26/01/2023)

PR: 90B/M

BP:  170/100 mmHg

RR: 30C/M

SPO2: 96% RA

Noticed to have developed significant polyuria.  Has made about 11,650mls of urine in the last 24hrs. She is currently on free water and IV fluids to replenish loss. All diuretic drugs have been stopped. Still not oriented in time, place and person. She is still on close neuromonitoring in the ICU.



Update (31/01/2023)

Currently, she has been discharged from the intensive care unit (ICU) to the High Dependency Unit (HDU) on account of improvement in her clinical state, as evidenced by resolution of previously noted confusion, GCS presently is 15/15 and she is off all supplementary support. She is currently having Neuro-rehabilitative physiotherapy and is marking good progress as she now sits out of bed and stands with support during physiotherapy. Previously noted polyuria is also resolving, urine output in the last 24hours is 5200L and electrolyte imbalance has been successfully corrected. However, there has been a poor blood pressure control since admission. We are recommending that she gets an extensive review from a cardiologist.

Vital signs today (31/01/2023)

BP: 160/90mmHg

PR: 86bpm

RR: 18cpm

Update (01/02/2023)

22days post microsurgical clipping of right PCOM Aneurysm. She suffered initial post op cerebral edema associated with mild hematoma and was subsequently managed.

Currently she is much alert with a GCS of 15/15 (E- 4, V-5, M-6) and moving all four limbs.

Recovery is satisfactory. She is making sustained progress with Neuro-rehabilitative physiotherapy as she is standing with support and sitting out of bed. We are currently awaiting Cardiologist review today on account of poor blood pressure control.

Vital signs today (01/02/2023)

BP: 170/110mmHg

PR: 110bpm

RR: 22cpm


·         Remove catheter

·         Continue physiotherapy

Update (03/02/2023)

Cardiologist reviewed her antihypertensive medication. The dose of valsartan was increased to 160mg B.D. She is still on regular physiotherapy and has been weaned off urinary catether. Vitals are stable.

Update (06/02/2023)

26days post microsurgical clipping of right PCOM Aneurysm. The right 3rd nerve palsy-ptosis and mydriasis and all extraoccular muscles except lateral rectus and superior oblique still persisting otherwise she is stable. Fever has subsided following treatment of malaria parasite. She sits  out of bed. Although occasionally confused but generally stable. She is being worked up for discharge to continue recuperation at home (for possible discharge).

Update (07/02/2023)

27days post microsurgical clipping of right PCOM Aneurysm.  Occasional fever spikes, but blood pressure is better controlled. Currently on tabs Nifedipine 20MG daily and Tabs Valsartan 80mg daily.

FBC Today: WBC-6.40, PCV-26.5, PLT- 162

EUCR: Na- 134.2, K+- 3.34, Urea- 70.60, CL- 118.5, HCO3- 17.18, Cr- 0.79, Cal- 2.22

Urinalysis: Deep amber and cloudy, Ph- 5, specific gravity: 1.030

Vital signs today (07/02/2023)

BP: 120/80mmHg

PR: 128bpm

RR: 22cpm

Temp: 38.2 OC

SP02: 99%



·         CT I.V antibiotics for another 24hrs.

·         CT Supp diclofenac 50mg for 24hrs.

·         To transfuse 2pints of blood.

·         Adequate fluids intake at least 3liters/ day.

·         Potassium containing diet (banana and okro).

·         Check CT brain


Update (07/02/2023) 4:12pm

Patient seen, 27days post op had pterional crianotomy in micro surgical clipping of right sided PCOM aneurysm 27days ago. She was initially managed in ICU and later transferred to the ward for condition to stabilize. She was noticed to have temperature spike yesterday with 39.40c.fever pattern is intermittent . MP done was positive. FBC done showed severe anemia Hb 7.3, pcv- 26 .50. Electrolytes showed mild hypokalemia K- 3.34. Other parameters essentially normal.


Assessment :

·         Malaria with background anemia

·         Disselectrolytemia ( hypokalemia)


1.      Add 20mmol in 500mls 5% D/S 500mls 12hrly x 3/7

2.      Commence tabs ACT 1 b.d x3/7

3.      Suppository Diclofenac 50mg 8hrly x 3/7

4.      GXM 3units of blood, but one pint daily under furosemide cover over 4-6hours

5.      After second pint , do post transfusion PCV before the 3rd pint

6.      I.V  furosemide 20mg start before each transfusion

7.      Add 5cc Bicomplex to each 500mls of Dextrose saline

8.      CT physiotherapy

Update (30/01/2023)

44yrs old female, 20days post craniotomy for PCOM aneurysm clipping. Blood pressure is controlled heart rate fluctuating. Current condition is still confusion.

Fluid Input/Output = 4800/5650 = -850.

Current receiving physiotherapy.

O/E GCS – E4, M6, V4 = 14/15 (Alert, moves all limbs, weak).

PR- 117per min, BP- 118/68mmhg, RR- 25cpm

No enough confidence to sit out of bed unaided, swallowing is sub-optimal, having issues swallowing medications.

Assessment: Impaired


Step down from ICU to female ward

Continue intensive physiotherapy

Do FBC, EUCR today.


Update (09/02/2023)

Patient seen, still having temperature spikes last was 36.70c and hypertension BP- 160/100mmhg.


Tabs Valsartan 160mg b,d

Continue Tabs 30mg daily.


Update (13/02/2023)

Patient is sitting out of bed.

Blood pressure still not in control

Plan: Continue management


Update (17/02/2023)

Patient seen, Sits out of bed at will.

Blood pressure control improved.

Getting ready for discharge.


Update (22/02/2023)

Still having irrational talks and amnesia.

Blood pressure control suboptimal but improving.

Plan:  For neuropsychiatry review


Update (22/02/2023)

Patient seen, sitting of bed. Eating, with remarkable improvement.

Complaining of poor night sleep. Blood pressure now over systolic of 160- 150

Assessment: Improving

Plan: Tabs Lexotan 3mg nocte x3/7

         Continue other antihypertensive


Sincerely Yours,



Dr.  Halima Ibrahim

For Team Wellington Neurosurgery WCA










19 May, 2023
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