WELLINGTON CASE REPORT: Degenerative disease of the lumbosacral spine






1.      Aki Secondary To Polypharmacy

2.      Degenerative disease of the lumbosacral spine

Date of Admission: 8/7/2023

Date of discharge: 2/8/2023

Background presentation and history:

The above named patient who was brought in from Makurdi on account of reduced level of consciousness x 2days duration.

She is a 53 years old female, who started to develop reduced level of consciousness. It initially started as complaints of ankle pain which later radiated to the waist. she then took a medication which could not be ascertained. She later developed reduced level of consciousness (lucid intervals), however no lateralizing signs, no seizures, no history of chest pain, no orthopnea, no dyspnea, no headaches, nausea and vomiting.

A known hypertensive and diabetic patient, duration could not be ascertained. She is  also on tabs galvusmet 50/1000mg, tabs bisoprolol 10mg, tabs torsemide, tabs pregabalin 75mg, tabs gabapentin, tabs vasoprin, tabs clopidogrel, etc.


CNS: GCS= 14/15 (E-4, M-5, V-5), pupils 3mm reactive bilaterally, normal tone, power and reflexes in all limbs. No cranial nerve deficit noted.

BP= 115/78mmHg, PR= 78b/m, SPO2= 96%. (on INO2 4L)


Brain CT Scan done showed no visible ischaemic changes, No SOL

Assessment: ?cause of lucid interval of unconsciousness r/o polypharmacy induced unconsciousness.

Management Plan:

1.       To do FBC, EUCR, LFT, FLP, clotting profile

2.       Chest X-ray, ECG

3.       For cardiology review

4.       IV ceftriaxone 1g 12hrly x 24hrs

5.       IVF N/S 1L 8hrly x 24hrs

6.       Subcut clexane 40iu stat

7.       Review of medications

8.       Discuss with neurosurgeon.


UPDATE 9/7/2023

A 53 years old female, she is a known diabetic and hypertensive patient. She was admitted 1/7 ago on account of varying levels of unconsciousness.

FBC= wbc- 11.33, hct- 35, plt- 373

EUCR= Na- 138.7, K- 3.55, Cr- 4.44, Ur- 133.3

LFT = AST- 433.1, ALP- 246.9, Alb-3.10

Abd/pelvic USS- essentially normal study

Serology= non reactive


1.       To be reviewed by the Nephrologist, cardiologist and gastroenterology.

Cardiology Review

Patient seen, A 53yr old obese woman with confusion, who is not oriented in person. A known hypertensive who was on multiple medications

BP- 117/53mmHg


Based on above history and examination, not a current cardiology case

Assessment : delirium sec to UTI


1-      To have urine mcs and urinalysis

2-      To see in 2/52



UPDATE 10/07/2023

2 Days on admission on account of impairment of consciousness and irrational thoughts.

Urgent brain CT scan ruled out any form of stroke. Further investigations reveal the following

1.       Obese

2.       Impairment of urea and creatinine

3.       Proteinuria and hematuria.

Presently increasing irrational thoughts observed. Also suspicious derangement on liver enzymes but no jaundice. History of polypharmacy suggest drug induced renal toxicity.


1.       Daily EUCR check

2.       Review by nephrologist

3.       Cardiology review already noted

4.       Continue oxygen support and other management



UPDATE 11/7/23

Patient remains stable. Biochemical parameter shows a drop in Creatine from 4.4mmol/L to 3.3mmol/L.  However, urea remains basically same about 134mg/dL. LFTs are almost normalized now.


1.       To send blood this morning for EUCR

2.       Continue other medical treatment as prescribed.

Nephrology Review

Patient seen, EUCR – creatinine noticed to be on a down ward trend, however urea is still elevated

Assessment: AKI ?Dehydration

Plan: to rehydrate approprately



UPDATE 12/7/23

FBC and LFT within normal range

EUCR: Na- 137.9, K- 3.09, Ur- 134.6, Cr- 1.48

ASS: hypokalemia and hyperurecimia


1.       Add tabs slow K 600mg tds x 5/7

2.       Continue other management


UPDATE 17/07/23

Clinical and biochemical parameter suggests reasonable improvement. Creatinine is normalized and urea is on a downward trend though slowly.

Current concerns are bilateral ankle pain which limits movement. She is currently on xarelto, but mechanical prophylaxis is constrained by pain and tenderness in both ankles.


1.       Continue ongoing management for AKI

2.       Do uric acid estimation for gouty arthritis.




A 53 years old female, she is a known diabetic and hypertensive patient. There is pain in the lower limbs, sharp/burning sensation distal to the mid-leg which increases when she turns in bed, attempts to sit or roll. Mere touching of skin increases pain.

Other prior history noted.

O/E: tenderness to mild touch

ASS: ? lumbar radiculopathy


1.       Do MRI spine and review

2.       KIV epidural injection.


Lumbar Epidural injection administered into the L4/5 space, cocktail of 80mg triamcinolone and 2mls of 0.25% macaine.

Procedure was well tolerated.

Pre-injection workup:

VAS= 9/10




1.       Return to the ward and monitor

2.       Update report

3.       Repeat VAS and ODI in 2 weeks

4.       Tabs pregabalin 150mg bd x 2/52


UPDATE 27/07/2023

Some symptomatic improvements have been recorded on medications and minimally invasive treatments such as Tabs Lyrica 150mg bd and lumbar epidural injection.

It is therefore confirmed that she has lateral recess syndrome involving L3/4, L4/5, L5/S1 foramen entrapment of exiting nerves.

For long term pain relief, a primary non-instrumented micro-foraminotomy is recommended.

Meanwhile continue current medication until informed consent procedures are completed.


UPDATE  30/07/2023

Patient’s complaint of pain on her right ankle has reduced, while that of left ankle has markedly resolved. She has been counseled on instrumented micro foraminectomy for long term pain relief. Currently, she is on tabs pregabalin, and other analgesics. She had physiotherapy yesterday and was able to stand with support and was also able to sit out of bed.


1.       Continue physiotherapy

2.       Continue analgesics

3.       Discontinue urethral catheter.


UPDATE 01/08/2023

A 53 years old female, she is a known diabetic and hypertensive patient. Complaint of bilateral ankle pain is markedly subsiding following epidural injection administered 6/7 ago.

There are no fresh complaints as of today.


1.       Repeat uric acid check

2.       For possible discharge tomorrow

3.       Continue physiotherapy as outpatient


Discharge medications and instructions:

·         Tab Cocodamol ii bd

·         Tabs HCT 50mg daily

·         Tabs Amlodipine 10mg faily

·         Tabs Valsatan 160mg AM and 80mg nocte

·         Tabs Lyrica 150mg bd

·         Tabs Xarelto 10mg alternate days

·         To continue on physiotherapy

·         For spine surgery when ready

Review in 2/52 16th August 2023 . However you can come earlier if there are any concerns.



Kindly revert to us for further clarifications where necessary.

Yours Sincerely



Dr. Ozoemena O.F

For Team Wellington Clinics Abuja.

11 Oct, 2023
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